You must have seen the funny-looking cartoon dogs that cartoon detectives use while searching for a hidden treasure. The Ariège Pointer is that type of dog. 

These dogs are highly enthusiastic and playful. They can be the best buddies if you love rigorous physical activity. Let us delve into the fun-filled world of Braque de l’ariege dogs and see why you should or should not own them.


Height22-26 inches
Weight50-66 lbs
Life span12-14 years
Exercise needs1 to 2 hours daily
TemperamentRobust, Docile, Energetic, Independent
GroomingLow maintenance

Origin of the Ariège Pointer

Ariège Pointers or Braque de l’ariege dogs are a continental pointing breed that descended from the old French Braques. Those were mixed during the 19th Century with the orange and white Southern Braques to make the dogs more active and lightweight. 

Unfortunately, these dogs have been pushed to the verge of extinction quite a few times. Some huntsmen from the Ariegeois region continued to use this breed, which saved them from extinction. In 1990, a team of breeders devoted themselves to making this breed survive. And they were successful (article).

Appearance of the Ariège Pointer

These canine companions are a marvel to behold. They are a large breed of dogs that ooze out elegance and enthusiasm. Their appearance is described as:

1. Body structure

Their body is slightly longer than tall in proportion. The chest is deep, broad, and well let down. The ribs are rounded. The back of the Ariège Pointer is straight and firm. There is a slight tuck-up.

Their front legs are straight and muscular. The tail tapers at the base. It is generally docked to less than half its length, but a complete tail is still very much okay. It must not be set higher than the topline.

2. Coat Appearance

Their coat is short, close to their skin, and glossy. The coat hair is finer and smoother on the head and ears. The skin of Ariège Pointer dogs is moderately thick and very supple. They must never be black or have black patches on their skin.

Their colors include shades of white, orange and brown, brown ticked, orange and white, etc.

3. Head Shape and Facial Features

Long, angular, and narrowed down. The top parts of the skull and snout are slightly divergent. Their snout is long and straight, sometimes very lightly curved. It tapers in width a bit from the eyes to the nose. The lips are hanging and quite delicate, with the corners folded but not drooping.

Personality and Temperament

The Ariège Pointers are one of the most playful dog breeds and know how to grab your attention. Here’s how they do it:

1. Highly energetic!

These dogs are known for their highly energetic temperament. Because of their hunting background, they are always curious to explore different places and love engaging in highly demanding physical activities.

2. Affectionate Cuddle bugs

Braque de l’ariege is well renowned for its delightful personality. They are very affectionate and will go to lengths to protect their hooman families. They are often gentle towards their families. These dogs are an excellent choice for houses with young kids. The kids and dogs can burn their required energy with joint playtime.

3. Highly alert

These dogs were bred to hunt, so they are always highly alert. This makes them excellent watchdogs.  However, it is worth mentioning that Ariège Pointers are not typically aggressive and are usually friendly with strangers. Early socialization is the key.

an Ariège Pointer outdoors

Exercise and Training Needs

As we mentioned before, Ariège Pointers are enthusiastic and playful. They belong to a breed of hunting dogs and get bored quickly. Lack of mental or physical stimulation might lead to behavioral issues.

1. Regular walks

Ariège Pointers only need a little space, even though they are large dogs. They greatly benefit from regular walks to doggy parks. It helps to socialize them with newer faces and other dogs. And also to burn their energy.

The best way to get your giant furry friend all their needed workouts is by hiking with them, going on runs, etc. This is beneficial for both the handler and the dog as both of you get your daily exercise.

2. Introduce playtime

Including a fun playtime besides their regular walks is a great way to keep them engaged. You can play games with your Ariège Pointers, such as tug of war, fetch, and treat hunts. This deepens the bond between you and your fluffball.

Please include as many puzzle toys in their playtime as possible. This makes them search for their food. Searching and sniffing around can help keep their wild hunting instincts alive. 

3. Early training

Early socialization and obedience training will keep them from being aggressive toward new people and smaller creatures. 

The Ariège Pointer is not only an excellent retriever but an amazing hunter as well! In fact, they’re so skilled that they can hunt on land and even on water!

Grooming Needs of the Ariège Pointer

The Braque de l’Ariege is a low-maintenance dog and only requires brushing once a week. They do not need a lot of grooming sessions.  

1. Brushing needs

They shed a little throughout the year, and wiping them down with a wet cloth after brushing is advisable to remove any dead or loose hairs. Otherwise, they can tangle up and cause matting. They will shed slightly more in the spring and fall and may need to be brushed more often during those seasons.

2. Bath time!

The Ariège Pointer does not have a strong doggy odor. You only need to bathe them often if they have been out hunting or gotten dirty and smelly. 

3. Clean their ears and nails

Their ears hang down and trap moisture very easily and dirt that can cause ear infections. Clean their ears each week with a damp cloth, ear wash with hydrogen peroxide, and dry them afterward. Trim their nails often, as long nails can lead to discomfort and painful injuries. 

Heath Concerns of Raising an Ariège Pointer

Ariège Pointer is usually a healthy breed. But they suffer from some common dog diseases, which you need to be extra cautious about.

1. Ear infections

Their ears are long and droopy. So keep the long ears of the Ariege Pointer away from water when possible and keep them clean. If this is impossible, ears should be thoroughly dried inside and out. Any foreign particles in them might increase the chances of ear infections.

2. Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a common disorder in plenty of dog breeds. Responsible breeding can reduce the occurence of hip dysplasia to some extent. Animals that might have poor hips should not be bred further.

3. Patellar Luxation

Patellar Luxation is seen mostly in small pedigree dogs but can also occur in several large dog breeds. Most of the time, the dog suffering from it will skip on its back leg for a few steps before walking again as though nothing has happened. 

Veterinarians can often check for patellar luxation by performing a simple, conscious orthopedic exam within the consulting room. The seriousness of the defect determines if a dog should be managed with surgery or not (article).

Are Ariège Pointers Hypoallergenic?

Ariege Pointer dogs, unfortunately, are considered among the non-hypoallergenic breeds. They shed heavily during some seasons. This creates plenty of dander and loose fur. A common allergen that can trigger sensitivities in humans. 

Before getting any dog, we recommend spending time around similar breeds. It is essential to check the severity of the allergic reactions (if any). Not all of these fur babies would suit you, which is okay.

an Ariège Pointer looks on curiously

Final Thoughts

These dogs exude elegance and playfulness. These dogs can be your best companions if you love adventurous journeys in hilly areas or forests. 

Ariège Pointers are not the best options for you if you cannot spare enough time to engage with them during playtime or cannot take out a lot. These dogs always need an active lifestyle. So, lacking such facilities may give rise to boredom and behavioral problems. 

A safe, fenced space to run around helps immensely. If that is not what you can offer, it is better to look for other options. After all, their behavior is also your responsibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Ariège Pointers bark a lot?

Ariège Pointers are very loud dogs. They are very vocal and will often bark to show their discomfort and when they are seeking attention.

Are Ariège Pointers good with other dogs?

Most Pointer dogs get along with other dogs really well. But still obedience training and early socialization is very necessary to familiarize them with strangers and new faces.

Can Ariège Pointers live in cities?

Ariège Pointers can live in cities, as long as you have enough time to play with them outdoors, take them to regular walks and they get to roam around in safe & secure open areas (dog parks work really well).

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