Are you tempted to toss an almond to your pup? This nutritional superfood makes for a great snack for humans. But can dogs eat almonds?

The answer is NO. Almonds are not suitable for dogs. Although they are not toxic like other nuts but can choke your dogs and also result in an upset stomach. 

Read the following article to learn more about the risks of almond ingestion. 

Can Dogs Eat Almonds?

Dogs love chewing down on textured items. But regarding raw almond nuts, you need to say a firm “NO.” 

Ingesting toxic nuts like macadamia, even in negligible amounts, can leave your dog weak, vomiting, and hyperthermic (article). Although almonds are toxic for dogs, there are a lot of potential risks to tossing your pup the occasional treat. 

Let’s crack the case of why dogs should not eat almonds. 

1. Choking hazard

Dogs do not chew foods like humans. They tend to swallow. (and possibly inhale their food). It is one of the main reasons they should not be given human food. Almonds can obstruct the oesophagus or stomach canal. It can be life-threatening for your pup, especially for smaller breeds. 

2. Tummy troubles

Almonds are high in fat and are difficult for dogs to digest. It can lead to gastrointestinal distress and obesity. He would be fine if your dog scooped up one almond you dropped while snacking. But if your dog got in your grocery shopping and found a huge bag of almonds, you need to worry!

Excess almond intake can cause lethargy, dehydration, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can be lethal if not treated promptly. 

3. Pancreatitis

If your pup has overindulged in almond nuts, he may develop pancreatitis. It is a painful inflammation of the pancreas. Beware of the high-fat content in almonds! It can shorten your pup’s life (study). Signs of pancreatitis include severe abdominal pain, lack of appetite, vomiting, weakness, and weight loss. 

If your dog has any symptoms, RUSH THEM TO A VET IMMEDIATELY. 

4. Water retention

Almonds are often seasoned with salt and spices, and dogs LOVE tasty treats. Seasoned almonds pose an even greater danger for dogs. Too much salt in a dog’s diet increases water retention (study). 

5. Salt toxicity

We all love to snack on deliciously seasoned almonds. But the seasoning on almonds spells trouble for our dogs. While the almonds themselves are not toxic, the seasoning is! Excess salt intake can cause dehydration and salt toxicity (sodium ion poisoning) (article).

Watch out if your dog’s water intake or urination has increased significantly. Other symptoms include diarrhea and seizures. Garlic or onion-based seasoning can cause stomach problems in your pup. 

6. Bladder or kidney stone

Almonds have a high phosphorus and calcium oxalate content in them. While that might be nutritious for humans, it is not the case for dogs. Excessive intake of these minerals can cause kidney or bladder stones (article). Over time, those little nuts can add up.

Some breeds, such as the Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, Miniature Schnauzer, and Pomeranian, are more prone to kidney and bladder stone formation (article). If you have any of these breeds, take special care to NEVER feed them almonds. 

If it is not treated promptly, it can cause kidney failure. Your pup would be in a world full of pain. 

7. Aflatoxin poisoning

Did your dog eat moldy almonds while dumpster diving in the trash? 


Aspergillus is a fungus that grows on spoiled and moldy food items, especially almonds and pistachios (article). Dogs can get Aflatoxin Poisoning from eating stale food (study). If you suspect your dog has eaten moldy food, SEEK MEDICAL HELP IMMEDIATELY.

The effects of this are mild for humans, but it is severe for your dog. If not treated promptly, it can result in death (study). 

Here are some signs you need to watch out for:

  • Jaundice
  • Liver failure
  • Vomiting 
  • Unexplained Bleeding
  • Diarrhea
  • Lack of appetite

a dog staring at a bowl of almonds with some strewn around

Are Almonds Toxic for Dogs?

NO, almonds are not directly toxic for dogs. 

Humans benefit greatly from almonds. But it is not the same case for dogs. They can not digest almonds and their high-fat contents. Raw almond nuts are not toxic, like macadamia and black walnuts. Excess intake of almonds causes many stomach problems. 

Even if your dog loves a share of your snacks, not all human foods are dog-friendly. 

Important Note: DO NOT let your dog eat bitter almonds. Eating only about 7-10 unprocessed bitter almonds can result in death. 

What to Do if Your Dog Ate Almonds?

If your huge Great Dane has eaten one almond, DO NOT PANIC! Almonds are not poisonous to dogs. Even though almonds are not poisonous, they can still cause many problems. It is always a good idea to keep pups under supervision. Better safe than sorry! 

Keep an eye on your dog for 6-12 hours and watch out for these signs: 

  • Choking 
  • Gagging 
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of appetite 
  • Discomfort 
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 

But if your Yorkshire has devoured the entire pack of almonds, do not wait for symptoms. RUSH THEM TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY!

You can also contact poison control, and they can instruct you on how to induce vomiting to flush out the almonds from your puppy’s stomach. Your vet might also recommend IV fluids for a speedy recovery. Different breeds react differently to almonds. It can be dangerous, especially for those small size pups. 

Has your pup developed a real taste for almonds? (Difficult nut to crack!) You might be thinking about whether dogs can safely eat almond products. 

What About Almond Flour?

Technically yes! Almond flour contains Vitamin A and other antioxidants which can benefit your dog. 

But DO NOT INTRODUCE ALMOND FLOUR in your dog’s regular diet. 

Sure, the occasional treat made of almond flour won’t do any harm to your pup. Regularly feeding your dog treats baked in almond flour will have adverse effects. Make sure it does not contain any harmful additives like the dreadful xylitol. 

It’s a given you won’t be dry scooping raw almond flour to your dog. But it’s a strict NO for raw almond flour. 

Can Dogs Have Almond Butter?

Generally speaking, almond butter is safe for dogs. But there is yet to be a definitive answer that applies to all breeds regarding almond butter. Although almond butter is packed with nutrients, not all dogs can digest it because of its high-fat content. 

It is perfectly safe to treat your dog to a spoonful of almond butter. Determining if almond butter is okay with your pup’s gut is essential. Too much almond butter can have the same effects of gastrointestinal issues. A safer option is peanut butter. 

Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?

YES! Almond milk is a delicious treat you can feed your dog. It contains nutrients and nurtures your dog’s coat and skin. It is also low in calories, so you can OCCASIONALLY treat your dog to it. 

Remember, moderation is the key to a healthy diet. Too much almond milk can cause gastrointestinal issues with your pup. 

Important Note: Before feeding your dog, check for harmful almond butter and almond milk additives. If it contains xylitol, DO NOT FEED your pup. It is highly toxic to dogs and can cause liver failure (study).


While almonds are the ultimate hyped-up healthy snack for humans, they are unsuitable for dogs. The potential risks of almond consumption for dogs significantly outweigh the nutritious benefits of almonds. Talking to your vet before tossing them human food is always a good idea. It can result in an emergency vet trip for your canine friend. 

It is best to steer your dog away from developing an almond addiction. Not only is it a choking hazard it can cause many avoidable problems for your pup. Feeding your dog this superfood can unknowingly harm him in the long run. In extreme cases, it can cause liver failure and even death!

Explore the wide variety of healthy treats available in the market for dogs. If you have a curious dog, always watch your snack bowl. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my dog eats almond butter?

Almond butter is not toxic for dogs. It is better for dogs than whole almonds as they are easier to digest. Excess almond butter can cause gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea. Look out for harmful additives such as Xylitol before feeding your dog almond butter. 

Are almonds good for dogs to eat?

NO! Even though almonds are not toxic, they are not suitable for dogs. They are a choking hazard especially for smaller breeds. If ingested in large quantities they can cause stomach problems and also pancreatitis if not treated properly.

What if my dog ate 15 almonds?

CONTACT THE VET IMMEDIATELY. Keep your dog under observation for at least 6-12 hours. Be on the lookout for the following symptoms: choking, gagging, lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea etc. 

Are almonds or walnuts toxic for dogs?

NO! Almonds and walnuts are technically safe for dogs to eat if they do not contain any harmful additives. They are a choking hazard for dogs especially for smaller breeds and should be avoided. Black walnuts are extremely toxic to dogs.

What nut can dogs eat?

Peanuts, hazelnuts, roasted cashew, pecans, and pine nuts are safe for dogs. It is usually advised not to feed dogs nuts because they can obstruct the esophagus or the intestinal canals. They can also cause gastrointestinal issues if eaten in excess. There are plenty of nutritious treats available in the market for dogs.

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