You bought a variety of beans during grocery shopping this week. Now, you have three jars of black beans in your kitchen and are considering including them in your dog’s diet. But can dogs eat black beans?

Well, yes, they can. But here’s the catch: These cannot be fed to them in large quantities. Any food we humans consume should not be provided to dogs on a considerable scale. 

This 10-minute read will discuss why that’s the case, how your pup can still benefit from them, and how you can safely prepare it. 

What Are the Benefits of Feeding Beans to Dogs?

Given the amount of misinformation around the internet, it is a tough time for doggy parents to figure out what can or cannot be fed to their pups.

Imagine you were in the middle of making some black bean sandwiches. You look away for a second, and your pooch hopped in and popped in some black beans. Now, you are scared as hell. But should you be?

1. Loaded with nutrients

Black beans are loaded with valuable nutrients. Many of their benefits can also be advantageous for your dog. Black beans contain fiber, protein, carbohydrates, antioxidants, etc.  Even though dogs do not require it a lot, the fiber in black beans helps maintain a healthy digestive system and fix bowel movements. 

2. Rich in manganese

Black beans are rich in manganese. Dogs require manganese as a primary nutrient to process fatty acids, digest protein, and produce energy. Manganese is an essential component of bodily enzymes, and it helps in the preservation and health of bones and cartilage in joints. 

3. Regulates blood sugar levels

The carbohydrates in black beans keep their blood sugar levels from getting too high or low. Moderately incorporating black beans in your pup’s diet can help them gain healthy blood sugar levels.

Black beans are excellent for lowering blood pressure and improving overall heart conditions—dogs who suffer from hypertension and high cholesterol benefit significantly from a black bean diet (article). 

4. Contains vitamins

These Beans also contain vitamins such as A, K, and C. These vitamins improve eye health and prevent eye-related diseases such as conjunctivitis or dry eye. Dogs can create natural vitamin C in their liver, but the extra dosage helps. This prevents gum diseases and supports oral health. Vitamin K in black beans helps in blood clotting after injuries. 

Do Black Beans Have Any Health Risks? 

The helpful nutrients themselves can have drastic effects when fed too much. That is why we always advise feeding any food to your pup in moderation.

1. Digestive issues

The various nutrients in black beans are beneficial for dogs. However, too many black beans in their diet can increase the risk of digestive problems. The carbohydrates and fibers in black beans can cause diarrhea and stomach issues.

2. Liver and kidney issues

Black Beans are rich in protein. Although it is helpful when fed in small quantities, too much protein can cause liver and kidney issues. If your dog has kidney stones or is prone to kidney issues, avoid providing them black beans or lowering their intake. 

3. Choking hazard

Black beans can sometimes be large enough for some dogs. This can lead to obstruction of their esophagus. Be cautious if your dog is a quick eater or a small dog.

We recommend using slow feeders and patience training. This delays their eating process and helps in mental stimulation as they need to work for food. 

a puppy looks on with a bowl of black beans next to him

How Can You Prepare Black Beans For Your Dog?

If you want to feed them some as a treat, you can still do that! In general, black beans do not pose much harm unless fed in large quantities. Here are some cooking tips:

1. Choose fresh

 Fresh black beans are free of preservatives and added flavors. Canned products may contain high amounts of sodium and other chemicals. These can be particularly unhealthy.

2. Soak them overnight and wash them thoroughly

 Soaking black beans overnight softens them. This makes the beans easier to eat, even raw. Rinsing them will get rid of any harmful foreign particles and pesticides.

3. Avoid seasonings at all costs!

 Dogs don’t have the same digestive system as us. Seasonings can cause severe damage to their digestive systems. Dogs do not require any flavor enhancements. 

4. Boil or steam them

 Boiling them in water without seasoning will break down minerals and nutrients that might be hard for your dog to digest. 

5. Control portions

Only feed your dog a little of any food. Black beans can be harmful if provided in large quantities. Add it little by little into their treats or in their occasional meals.

6. Serve with regular food

Mix black beans with their well-balanced meals. It should not replace any part of their veterinarian-recommended diet. Consult a veterinarian and watch for allergies. If your dog is lethargic, nauseous, or having difficulty digestion, seek medical help immediately.

Can Dogs Eat Black Bean Sauce?

Any sauce is a big no! Whether it be black beans or any other vegetable. These are human foods. Sauces most likely contain taste enhancers. These can include spices, salts, artificial flavors, etc.

Onion and garlic are very common ingredients in most sauces. Both of these are highly toxic to dogs. These can cause health issues such as anemia. Moreover, the high salt content in black bean sauce is very unhealthy for dogs. 

If you wish to feed them some form of sauce, you can mash them to create a sauce-like dish. Then add it to your pooch’s well-balanced meal. 


Black beans can serve as a great treat that naturally benefits your dog. If you take particular care with how much you feed them and how you prepare it, then you will not have to worry much. 

But also, make sure to have a word with a veterinarian before you add them to your pup’s diet. New additions to a regular diet can cause a nutritional imbalance. Also, please pay attention to their allergies. Consult your veterinarian immediately if you detect dizziness, puking, or lethargy symptoms. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much black beans can dogs eat?

Black beans should never be fed in large quantities. They can cause tummy aches, liver and kidney issues. Keep portions in control. A little treat here and there is not harmful and can be a healthy snack.

Why can’t dogs eat canned beans?

Canned beans contain harmful chemicals and preservatives. You should always pick fresh and organic vegetables for your dog to avoid health risks. In fact, any canned vegetable or fruit should be avoided. Puppy tummies are not designed for such harsh chemicals.

Can dogs eat black beans and onions?

While black beans are safe for dogs when fed in moderation, onions are highly toxic. Onions can affect a dog’s blood cells and lead to anemia. Onions should be avoided like the plague.

 What kind of cooked beans can dogs eat?

Dogs can consume boiled or slightly cooked beans with no seasonings, spices, oils or other greasy ingredients. Dogs do not require extra flavors.

 Can dogs have black beans and rice?

Dogs can eat both black beans and rice. But both should be in small portions. Too much of them can cause a nutritional imbalance as they are high in nutrients.

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