Imagine You are having your Cheerios bowl, and you hear some voice in the kitchen. You go into the kitchen only to find your pup covered in cheerios. You cannot stop but wonder, “can dogs eat Cheerios?”

Because let’s not lie- we all love them. And well, dogs can eat Cheerios, but in moderation because Cheerios might not be suitable for dog’s health.

We dug through bowls and bowls of information to give you everything you need to know before feeding Cheerios to your dog. Here, we have the health risks and alternatives to this treat. 

What Are the Health Risks?

Nothing comes without risks. The tasty, crunchy Cheerios can be hard to resist. But as we always say- Health> Taste. Cheerios might look like innocent crunchy munchies, but they can pose dangerous risks to your dog. 

So, let’s dive into why innocent Cheerios are the villains of your dog’s story.

1. Obesity

Cheerios are rich in calories and sugar. These components can add up to your dog’s weight (article). If your dog is overweight or on a weight management plan, we recommend you not to feed Cheerios to your dog. 

2. Choking hazards

Another common problem that can happen is choking hazards. Especially if you have a small-sized dog, they might gobble on lots of Cheerios. This can happen due to eager eating, that the treats get stuck in their throat. Although it is rare, if it is not chewed, it might also create an intestinal blockage.

3. Digestive issues

Overfeeding Cheerios to your dog can also make them sick. Every dog has a different metabolism and may not digest certain foods properly. Such things can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc.

4. Allergies

Another essential consideration is that many Cheerios include almonds and other allergens. Always check the ingredients label before buying the Cheerios. If your dog is allergic to certain foods, avoid giving them to your dog. 

4. Dental issues

Lastly, the sugar content in Cheerios can create dental problems. It is a common problem in dogs to get cavities. So, avoiding sugary items that stick to their canines and cause cavities or dental issues would be best.

Are Cheerios Good For Dogs?

Cheerios are neither good nor bad for dogs. If you overfeed them to your dogs, it can pose serious health risks. In contrast, even if you don’t feed your dog Cheerios- they will not lose any nutrition. 

1. High sugar content

Cheerios are just about the taste of it. They are crunchy and delicious, so dogs have their eyes on the box. But it is essential to know that they do not do any good to your dog. Cheerios have a lot of sugar and salts that harm dog health.

Especially if your dog is diabetic, you should keep Cheerios far away from their sight. It has enough sugar to increase the blood sugar count in dogs. This can lead to emergencies for your dog. 

2. Feed minimal amount

However, for Cheerios to do this much harm to your dog, it must be eaten in massive amounts. Unless they are overfed, the treats will neither harm nor give benefits. Pleasure and energy from carbs are the only benefits. 

3. Can cause allergies

But your dog can also gain energy from healthier human food options. Also, a lot of times, cheerios are made from almonds as their ingredient. If your dog has almond allergies, please ensure the ingredients label does not have almonds. 

Many dog parents have also witnessed terrible sickness from Cheerios and cereals. If your dog shows any signs of allergies, diarrhea, or abdominal pain, please seek veterinary attention immediately.

4. Becomes addictive

Moreover, these treats are highly palatable and addictive. Once your dog loves them, there is no going back. Cheerios are crunchy, sweet, and delicious. It would help if you fed your dog this treat occasionally. It is a very common problem in dogs to develop behavioral issues. They can get stubborn as they are addicted to a particular food. 

It would be best to avoid any such situations. If things go otherwise, always consult your veterinarian for further advice.

What About Honey Nut Cheerios? Are They Yay Or Nay?

Just like regular Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios are non-toxic to dogs. They do not pose any harm to your dog unless it is allergic to certain ingredients. But honey nut cheerios are highly addictive for dogs. They are delicious and palatable for dogs. 

They also have drawbacks like high sugar content and calories. This can lead to severe conditions for diabetic dogs. So, as you know, Obesity is one of the common problems in dogs. Cheerios have high calories that can increase your dog’s weight over time. This is why you should limit the consumption to occasional treats. 

Lastly, NEVER give your dog Honey Nut Cheerios with milk to your dog. If your dog is lactose intolerant, they can face severe allergies, diarrhea, or fever. 

If your dog suffers from this, please seek veterinary attention immediately.

a dog sitting at the dining table with a bowl of cheerios in front of him

Alternatives to Cheerios For Dogs

If you’re scared your dog becomes easily addicted to sugary treats, don’t worry! There are plenty of fun and safe alternatives to cheerios for dogs:

1. Bran flakes

You can substitute Cheerios with bran flakes! Who doesn’t want to give their dog fiber-rich breakfast cereals? These flakes are high in fiber and low in calories. So, if your dog is on a weight management plan, this cereal will work great as a treat. It does not impact cholesterol levels and keeps your pooch healthy.

2. Cooked oatmeal (with water)

Another alternative to Cheerios is Oatmeal. But it would help to avoid giving your dog oatmeal in massive amounts. It is a healthier alternative if it is cooked properly. Please note that you should not serve oatmeal with milk but instead with water.

You can soak oats in water overnight and make small bite-sized balls. This way, you will have oatmeal treats that do not harm your dog’s health.

3. Granola

You can serve your dog plain granola. It should not contain addictive or added ingredients like raisins, nuts, xylitol, marshmallows, or chocolate. You can toss your dog a few puffs/ oats of the granola. You should ensure it is used as a treat, not as a substitute for your dog’s primary meals.

Final Thoughts

To summarise, we can say that just because dogs can eat Cheerios does not mean they should. These treats are not harmful if fed in moderation. But also, they do not give any substantial health benefits. 

So next time you have Cheerios for breakfast, remember it should not be your dog’s breakfast. But if your dog comes to you with those puppy eyes, you can always toss them a few bites!

Can Dogs Eat Cheerios and Milk?

You should not serve your dog Cheerios and Milk together. Especially if your dog is lactose intolerant, milk and dairy products should not be on their menu. Cheerios alone do not give benefits to dogs. At the same time, milk can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs. They bring almost nothing to their nutritional needs. You should only serve them after veterinarian confirmation.

How Many Cheerios Can Dogs Eat?

You can occasionally give your small dogs up to 3- 4 Cheerios. While to your big-sized dogs, you can give up to 6-8 Cheerios. Make sure that dogs do not gobble them all at once. It can create severe choking hazards. Besides, it is not recommended to overfeed your dog Cheerios due to the low nutritional value and the risks.

Do Cheerios Provide Any Nutritional Benefit To Dogs?

The answer is- NO. A few Cheerios may not harm your dog, but they do not provide any benefits either. If you want to treat them to your dog, you can, but it should only be occasional. Many treats in the market provide health benefits as well as taste. Do not be fooled by the taste of Cheerios. They have too much sugar to give any benefits to your dog.

Can dogs eat cereal for breakfast?

No. Cereals or Cheerios should not be a substitute for your dog’s primary meals. Dogs have nutritional needs that should be fulfilled. Every day, they need ample carbs, proteins, vitamins, fibers, etc. Cereals do not have that many benefits. In contrast, they can cause health risks. Hence, only limit Cheerios or cereals as an occasional treat.

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