If you are also trying to understand the mystery behind currants and are wondering about “can dogs eat currants?” then you are at the right place!

There is no straight answer to this question, and in short, we can only give a yes and a no! Currants are somewhat like raisins and grapes, but not exactly that, so what is it that makes currants toxic? Let’s figure that out!

Why Are Currants Bad For Dogs?

First of all, we need to understand that currants for dogs are not as bad as we make them sound. The real culprit is not your little black or red currants but the Zante currants. Now, what are they? So Zante currants are basically dried raisins that are hard and, of course, are primarily made from black grapes. Knowing this will solve half of the mystery of why currants are toxic to dogs! In fact, these currants (or dried raisins) can be so toxic that they can fail a dog’s kidney or cause acute renal failure (study).

Besides, if we talk about black or red currants, they can potentially be toxic to your dog, be it in small quantities or if they are fed in awfully large amounts. To elaborate on that, we can also tell you that Black currants have health benefits for dogs due to their high amounts of antioxidants and vitamin C. However, feeding your dog any currant is not recommended because you should never risk your doggo’s life for a few currants with minimal nutritional value. Instead of currants, you can feed your dog alternatives such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc.

a curious dog sniffing at currants

What to Do if Your Dog Ate Currants?

Not every human food is safe for dogs, and well, currants are not! They can potentially be poisonous to dogs, even in small doses. So if your dog ate currant and you find yourself panicking, here is what to do:

  • Assess the situation wisely by knowing how many currants your pooch ingested and whether they were fresh or dried. 
  • Immediately contact your veterinarian and call it an emergency. 
  • Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior and any symptoms of abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, increased thirst, and decreased appetite. 


Nope!! The straight answer to “can dogs eat currants?” is no! The problem is that there is insufficient scientific evidence to support that currants are safe for dogs, unlike grapes. Even though the Zante currants are the real culprits, it is not wise to feed your dog black or red currants for any reason whatsoever. It is essential to note that you can always get the antioxidants and goodness of vitamin C from other human foods, but currants should be something you compromise on!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat currants and raisins?

No, you should never ever feed your dog raisins or currants ( and Zante currants) as they can be potentially poisonous to dogs. Especially if your dog has low tolerance or is small in size, there is a high chance of toxicity.

What happens if a dog eats currants?

Ingesting currants or grapes can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and even kidney rupture or renal failure in dogs. Hence, you better hide all the currants from your pooch.

Should I worry if my dog ate one currant?

Even though one currant might not be fatal, it can potentially make your dog sick. A small-sized dog is more susceptible to toxicity than a big-sized dog, yet you should avoid it altogether.

How many currants are toxic to a 30 lb dog?

You should not feed your dog any amount of currants whatsoever. Currants are a significant potential threat to a dog’s life. They can rupture their kidneys even in small amounts. This is why you should not feed a small, medium, or large dog any amounts of it.

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