Jackfruits are one of our favorite summer fruits. This tropical fruit serves as a great dessert when ripe and an excellent meat substitute unripened. This very human-ey fruit makes you wonder, can dogs eat jackfruit?

In short, yes, but in moderation. Now, we need to understand why feeding jackfruits to dogs may or may not be beneficial. 

Too much of any food can be harmful to dogs. But since you are here looking for jackfruits, we will only discuss what benefits or disadvantages jackfruits have to offer. 

Are Jackfruits Safe For Dogs? What Are Their Benefits?

Jackfruits are tropical fruits with several benefits. And as we mentioned before, jackfruits are safe for your pup to consume. 

Jackfruits are filled with nutrients such as fiber, potassium, carbohydrates, etc. Here’s how they are helpful:

1. Vitamins

Jackfruits contain some more vitamins and minerals than several other fruits. It is loaded with vitamins C and B. Vitamin C prevents gum infections and supports oral health. Jackfruit also contains folate, riboflavin, potassium,  niacin, and magnesium.

2. Antioxidants

Carotenoids, the pigments that give jackfruit its color, are high in vitamin A. Like any other antioxidant, carotenoids prevent cell damage and help the body work right. They help prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease and eye problems like cataracts and declining eyesight. 

Jackfruit contains many other antioxidants that can help delay cell damage due to injuries. While the inside flesh of jackfruits is high in these disease-fighting compounds, the seeds may have even more. 

3. Low-fat content

Jackfruit is low in fat content. Even though you can feed this to your dog as a meat substitute and a dessert, it will not lead to obesity.

4. Hydrating

Jack fruit flesh consists primarily of water. In hot summer days and dry weather, it can be extremely hydrating. It also helps absorb nutrients and supports healthy and faster digestion.

Are There Any Health Risks Related to Jackfruits?

Jackfruits do not pose much threat to your dog as long as they contain no skin or seeds.

Only the flesh of the jackfruit is safe for dogs to consume. But this sweet summer treat definitely has its limitations. These are


Ripe jackfruits are loaded with natural sugar. While natural sugar is far better than any artificial sweetener, overconsumption can still be very harmful. Too much of sugary jackfruits can lead to weight gain, digestive problems, etc.

Paw-rents of diabetic dogs must exercise extra caution. High sugar content can spike up their blood sugar levels drastically. This condition can even be fatal to your pup.

2. Choking hazard

Jackfruits are extremely sticky fruits. It is highly likely your pooch might have trouble chewing properly. And if they do not chew properly, they might choke on the large pieces.

You need to cut the fruits into small pieces. This will make the fruit easier to chew and swallow. Furthermore, you need to remove the seeds and pits. Those are particularly hazardous.

3. Toxication

Raw jackfruit seeds contain toxic, non-dog-friendly components. The fruit also excretes a sap-like substance that contains latex. Latex can give rise to allergic reactions (article). These include hives, inflamed feet, excessive drooling and shaking, bald patches, etc. 

 Be sure only to feed the jackfruit flesh to your dog.

4. High calories

When you feed ripe jackfruits to your dogs, the natural sugar can increase the amount of their calorie intake. Again, natural sugar is not extremely harmful.

But pet parents need to make sure they counter the sugar content with a well-balanced diet containing all the required nutrients.

Can Dogs Eat Jackfruit Seeds?

Jackfruit seeds are an edible and tasty food item that various Asian households make yummy delicacies of. You may wonder, can you provide the same to your dog?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. You should keep jackfruit seeds far away from your beloved pupper. Jackfruit seeds contain a cyanide-like substance that is very toxic for dogs. Secondly, dogs cannot digest the shells (article). 

Jackfruit seeds are also hard and too big to swallow as a whole. Your dog can choke on them way too easily.  

a puppy sniffing a large jackfruit

How Do We Prepare Jackfruits For Dogs?

If you love the taste of jackfruits so much that you cannot resist the urge to give them to your dog, then you need to take care of specific points. Those being:

1. Take the seeds out

Jackfruit seeds contain compounds that could be irritating or even toxic to your dog. The seed pods are also large enough to be a choking hazard. 

2. Remove the skin

Removing the tough jackfruit outer skin is essential to prevent intestinal blockage. The flesh parts of the fruit contain inedible latex. This can cause severe skin allergies, especially if they have eczema. Feed the jackfruit flesh to your pup.

3. Cut the fruit

Cut the jackfruit meat into small pieces. This makes the chewing and swallowing process far more manageable. Small dog parents must be very careful. 

4. Bake or steam the fruit

You can bake or steam the jackfruit to ease digestion. Avoid preparing the fruit with seasonings, oils, or ingredients that might harm your pooch.

5. Avoid dried jackfruit

Dried jackfruit and jackfruit chips may contain artificial flavorings and seasonings that can be dangerous for your pup. Dehydrated jackfruit also has a high sugar content, making it unhealthy for your dog’s blood sugar levels. If your dog is diabetic, you should particularly avoid high-sugar food substances.

Can Dogs Eat Unripe Jackfruit?

Unripe jackfruits are known for their meat-like texture and unsweetened flavor. They have tougher flesh than ripe jackfruits. Plus, they also have fewer carbohydrates than ripe jackfruits. However, you should still not feed them to your dog in large quantities. 

Instead, you can cut down the unripe fruit into small pieces relative to your pup’s size. Then boil it, steam it, or bake it. The heat will break down the tough-to-digest nutrients and make the fruit softer. 

Additionally, you can make sure never to add any extra flavorings, seasonings, salts, or spices. Those can cause stomach upset and are toxic to dogs.


Jackfruits are an amazing sweet treat when your pup is panting in the summer heat. Even though a large amount of jackfruits can cause physical discomfort to your sweet pup, an occasional treat here and there will not hurt.  

It will keep them hydrated and feeling full throughout the day. Remember never to feed too many to your dog. Always consult your veterinarian before introducing new foods to your pup. Food allergies should never be taken lightly. 

Be a little precautions, and there you have it… a happy doggo!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is jackfruit good for diabetes in dogs?

Jackfruits (ripe or unripe) are high in carbohydrates. The high amount of carbohydrates and sugar content in ripe jackfruits can be harmful to dogs. 
If your dog is prone to liver issues or has a diabetic condition, feeding them jackfruits in meager quantities is best.

Can you feed your dog canned jackfruit?

Canned fruits or vegetables have plenty of chemical preservatives and artificial flavors. Dog tummies cannot handle such harmful and strong chemicals. It is always better to source fresh fruits and vegetables from local vendors or farmers.

What happens if my dog eats fruit seeds?

Jackfruit seeds are toxic and should be kept away from dogs. However, they are not harmful enough to cause any immediate damage. If your dog ingested many without supervision, then seek medical help immediately. Look out for symptoms such as vomiting, drowsiness, excessive drooling, etc.

Can dogs eat cooked jackfruit seed?

Cooked jackfruit seeds are softer, more nutritious, and easier to digest for dogs. They should not replace any part of your dog’s well-balanced diet. Deed them in moderation and control the amount they eat.  

What do I do if my dog feels dizzy after eating jackfruit?

IMMEDIATELY SEEK MEDICAL HELP! Jackfruits are not one of the toxic fruits, but each dog can have different reactions. The dizziness could result from allergies, gastric issues, etc. Rush your pup to a doctor if you see any such symptoms.

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