Once you are out of the “Is tomato a veggie or a fruit” dilemma, we can expect you to think about “can dogs eat tomatoes?” because, after all, we all want to feed our dogs everything that we eat. 

But well, even though tomatoes are not toxic to dogs, they might not be the best choice! Yes, dogs can eat tomatoes, and this article will explore everything you need to know about tomatoes and dogs. 

Is Tomato Good For Dogs?

Here are some health benefits of tomatoes and the reasons why tomatoes can be a safe, healthy, and tasty treat for your dog if served with precautions:

1. Nutrients

We recommend occasionally adding small amounts of tomatoes to your dog’s diet because of its high nutritional value. Well, there are other human foods that have more benefits, but for now, here are the nutrients present in tomatoes for dogs:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Antioxidants
  • Potassium

2. Hydration

Tomatoes are juicy and hold about 94 percent of water. Do you know what that means? It means that tomatoes can be super hydrating for you and your pooch. If you feed your dog tomato after a long training session, we are sure they’ll be back with the same energy levels to restart! 

3. Low in calories

One of the most fantastic things about feeding your dog tomatoes is that the are low in calories. So, if you are worried about treats that are tasty but make your dog obese- no more worries! You can serve your dog a treat-sized amount of ripe tomatoes once in a while. As there is mostly water, there is not much content that can add to your dog’s weight. 

Things to Keep in Mind When Feeding Your Dog Tomatoes

As a responsible dog owner you should be cautious before you feed your dog any new food item. Even though tomatoes are not toxic to dogs, they do not hold enough nutritional value to put your dog’s health at risk. To avoid getting on the bad side of tomatoes, here are the things you should keep in mind:

1. Allergies

Your dog may or may not be allergic to certain foods. This is why when you introduce anything new to your dog, please start off with small amounts and gradually increase the intake. You should monitor your dog in case they show any signs of allergic reactions like rashes, diarrhea, breathlessness, abdominal pain, loose stools, etc. (article). 

2. Avoid seasonings

Love your roasted sizzling tomatoes and want to add some to your dog’s boring food? STEP AWAY! You should never feed your dog seasoned tomatoes or anything that has to do with putting spices. Seasonings can cause severe allergic reactions, and if garlic or onion is there- it’s a recipe for a nightmare!

3. Moderation is the key

When feeding your dog tomatoes, the only catch is to keep the consumption minimal. You do not need to add tomatoes to all of your dog’s food, as it will not add any nutritional value but can definitely make your dog sick in high amounts. 

4. Tomato parts

You would be surprised to know that not all parts of tomatoes are safe for dogs! The stems and leaves, basically the greens of tomatoes, can be deadly to dogs. Why? We have explored it in detail right below!

dog about to eat a tomato

What About Tomato Poisoning?

We hear you! Tomatoes look like harmless little fruits that are juicy and can add flavor to any dish. However, there is a bad side to it. You should keep your dog far away from the greens of tomatoes, be it the stems, leaves, or even unripe “green-looking” tomatoes! Why? Because studies state that the green parts of tomatoes contain a toxic compound called solanine, which is poisonous to dogs (1, 2). 

This compound, solanine, is the same compound that is also found in veggies like broccoli and eggplants. If your dog ate the greens of a tomato or plucked a raw one from the garden, you should monitor them for signs of solanine poisoning. The signs and symptoms can be Diarrhea, Lethargy, Loss of appetite, Excessive drooling, Abdominal pain, seizure, breathlessness, and heart rate fluctuation. 

Note: Please do not wait for these symptoms to kick in! Contact your veterinarian as soon as you know your dog ate raw tomatoes or the greens. This is a very serious situation that can even end in death, so early intervention is essential. 


The answer to “can dogs eat tomatoes?” is a yes, but only if you maintain strict moderation. If your dog is sneaky and often has their paws over all the secret treats in the house- it’s time to hide tomatoes from them! Tomatoes are rich in some nutrients but not enough to maintain their overall well-being. Also, ensure that the tomatoes are fully ripe and that you remove the greens (stems and leaves) before serving them to your dogs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat tomato ketchup?

Tomato ketchup is not toxic to dogs, but it’s not something that you should add to your dog’s meals. It may include artificial sweeteners like xylitol, which is poisonous to dogs (study). Also, preservatives and spices make it a wrong choice for the dog. If your dog licked a bit off the plate, they will probably be fine!

Are tomato plants poisonous for dogs?

Yes! Tomato plants are toxic to dogs. You should never feed your dog tomato greens or raw tomatoes as they have a compound called solanine, which is deadly to dogs, and if not death, they can make dogs extremely sick with symptoms of seizures and severe diarrhea.

Can dogs eat tomato sauce on pizza?

NOPE! Pizza, in the first place, is not safe for dogs to eat. You should not feed your dog pizza with tomato sauce or tomato toppings. It does not hold any nutritional value and will instead make your dog sick.

Can dogs eat cherry tomatoes?

You can feed your dog cherry tomatoes in small quantities. Just because they are little does not mean you can feed your dog 10 of them. Please only feed your dog about 1-3 cherry fully ripped cherry tomatoes occasionally after removing the stems and the leaves.

Can dogs eat tomato soup?

Plain and homemade tomato soup is okay for dogs in small quantities. It does not hold much nutritional value. But if you want to make your dog a hot cup of tomato soup, you can feed them about 2-3 spoons of it. Please ensure that there are no seasonings, as that would be harmful for your dog.

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