Getting a dog can be a BIG responsibility. Not only are you elevated to the status of a pet parent, but you’re also tasked with ensuring good dog behavior for your new friend.
Once settled in, you start noticing little quirks or behaviors that make your puppy unique. This could be anything, such as getting excited to see you, peeing themselves when scared, or barking when fearful or angry.
Yep, it’s a whole range of emotions.
Dog body language is the easiest form of canine communication. But what behavior is normal, and what should be discouraged?
Dog Behavior一Is it Normal?
Picture little Abby casually playing around, and then you turn on the TV for her. What’s this?
Underdog is on. That’s Abby’s favorite movie!
She starts barking, tail wagging, jumping up and down excitedly while getting the zoomies before setting herself down in front of the telly. Abby tilts her head sideways when the dog in the movie does something or starts barking when people cheer on Underdog.
You can quickly tell that she’s excited. Maybe she sees herself being a superhero as well?
This is a common occurrence for most pets. Showing signs of fear, excitement, happiness, sadness, separation anxiety, and so much more. Dog behavior isn’t limited to a dog’s body language but can have far-reaching effects, especially emotionally.
A pleasant, friendly, playful, or cheerful approach is often seen as healthy or normal dog behavior, whereas aggressive barking, biting, whining, or cowering means something wrong. The immediate social environment and the dog’s interaction will determine their behavior.
Unless your dog’s behavior is quite aggressive or problematic, there are often ways to correct the behavior through various forms of training.
How to Read Dog Body Language?
As a pet parent, you often wonder if your dog’s behavior is typical or if there is more to it? How do you read their body language?
If a dog has his tail in between his legs, is he scared? Or if he’s making eye contact with a stranger, is he trying to be friendly or intimidating?
There are way too many ways to read into these situations. But there are some easy ways to understand your dog’s body language:
1. Eye
Eyes are the windows to the soul.
How many times have we heard this? Plenty.
So anytime you notice your dog make eye contact with anyone, maybe they’re trying to analyze them and approach them accordingly. Relaxed eyes indicate that the dog is calm, while wide eyes mean that they are alert or show signs of fear.
2. Tail
A wagging tail often signifies a happy dog or even excitement. But the speeds and position of tail wagging differ in conveying an emotional state such as fear or aggression. Additionally, if their tails are erect, they are naturally dominant and command respect from other dogs. The tail between a dog’s legs signifies submissiveness or fear.
3. Ears
Ears form an essential part of canine body language. They’re the first thing you notice when you approach a dog. Be it floppy, long, or small, ears can tell you a lot about a dog’s behavior. If a dog’s ears are tall and erect, they are alert to their surroundings, while flattened or relaxed ears mean fear or submission.
4. Mouth
Probably housing the scariest part about a dog, their mouth also tells you whether a dog is approachable or not.
Imagine if you see a dog and wanna pet it, but it starts baring its teeth at you and growling. I’d for sure be the first one out of that situation. Yikes!
A dog’s mouth in a relaxed state means they’re content, while bared teeth are often signs of aggression.
5. Body posture
Body posture or body language differentiates a dominant dog from a submissive one. Usually, an erect and upright posture means that the dog is confident, alert, or assertive, while a crouching or cowering dog’s body language indicates the dog is cowardly or fearful.
6. Gaze
If your dog’s gazing or staring intently at someone, know that they’re showing their assertiveness while avoiding eye contact with another means they’re submissive or scared.
7. Vocalizations
Dogs can be pretty vocal, especially if you consider breeds like Huskies, Chihuahuas, Beagle, or a Pomeranian.
Growling, barking, whining, and even howling are different ways in which dogs express their pleasure or discontent. While it can be annoying hearing a dog howl at 3 am, know that this might indicate something’s wrong, and you must check it out.
8. Play-bow
The OG inspiration for downward dog play-bow’s a position where a dog has his front end on the ground and his rear end raised. Play-bow usually represents playfulness and signals friendliness.
9. Yawning
While yawning is usually seen as a sign of boredom, it can even signify stress or anxiety in your dog. Be sure to look into this behavior closely and monitor their habits.
10. Mouthing
Gentle nibbling or mouthing, usually by puppies, is just them being playful. However, this can quickly become rough or harsh, which could be uncomfortable, especially during teething.
11. Licking and nudging
The most gentle behavior, licking and nudging, means displaying affectionate behaviors. These are caring and nurturing, especially once dogs become mothers.
12. Panting
After any strenuous activity or exercise, it’s standard for dogs to pant. That’s how dogs regulate their body temperatures when it gets too hot. However, what is not normal is excessive panting. Excessive panting signifies stress or discomfort.
10 Common Dog Behaviors
Before you go about trying to analyze your dog’s body language, there are a few common dog behaviors that your furry friend might often display. Understanding dog body language and behavior is how you can build a closer relationship with your dog. Here are 10 common dog behaviors:
1. Chewing
There are only so many ways in which a dog explores the world. Besides sniffing, it’s definitely by chewing!
Chewing is often a standard behavior ranging from chewing toys to even shoes! Dogs chew saved-up snacks from their meal or can chew things out of anxiety or boredom. However, it can be a problem if they start constantly chewing as a form of anxiety.
2. Barking
Every time a dog starts barking, you know they’ve seen something weird or want something from you. Dogs bark to seek attention, at perceived threats, or when they sense a new element in their environment. Also, barking can be of all kinds, including barking when excited.
3. Aggression
Aggressive behavior is often seen in dogs that are not well-trained, agitated by something, or feel threatened. Some dogs can also get aggressive when guarding their territory or resources. If you’re a new pet owner, you can check out dog breeds that are least aggressive and easier to train.
4. Digging
If your pet dog isn’t into digging holes, that’s a cat. Digging is like second nature to dogs and quite instinctive. In fact, digging holes can have multiple reasons besides your dog wanting to get dirty. Digging is used to protect from heat, for hunting, to save favorite treats and toys, or even as an outlet to let out excess energy.
5. Chasing
Playing fetch and running after other animals have one thing in common一chasing. Dogs LOVE to chase anything. It’s a great outlet to let out built-up energy, great for playtime, or even to hunt prey.
6. Jumping
Jumping is often seen as a behavior displayed when excited (or scared?). And dogs jump on people to greet them, seek attention, or play. However, only some enjoy this approach. This behavior can quickly become a nuisance if dogs are not trained.
7. Mouthing
This behavior might commonly be seen in puppies. Mouthing or nipping is often out of boredom, especially during a puppy’s teething process. However, this can become problematic if not curbed.
8. Separation anxiety
Dogs can be fiercely loyal and loving to their owners and families. But there can be downsides, too, especially if the dog owner is out or running an errand. Separation anxiety is common and can lead to excessive vocalizations or destructive behaviors. Additionally, this can make a dog nervous and fearful of being alone.
9. Marking
Known to be territorial behavior, marking is common among animals. Dogs use marking to mark their territory or leave a message for their group. This can often be a nuisance if the dog is not trained.
10. Fearful behavior
When dogs get scared, they can start trembling or shaking. If there’s a threat to their environment and the dog is submissive, he may cower and have his tail between his legs. You can calm your pet down with hugs or shower words of encouragement.
How to Curb Unwanted Dog Behavior?
No matter how much we love our dogs, they may often display unwanted behaviors without proper training and guidance. Other people and animals may not welcome such traits except for the pet parent. These can be pretty embarrassing.
But don’t worry. There are ways to curb such unwanted dog behaviors. Here are some:
1. Exercise
Without any exercise or walking, dogs cannot let out excess energy. This can lead to aggressive behavior, lethargy, or obesity in dogs. Exercising is a great way to provide physical and mental stimulation to dogs. A well-exercised dog is a happy dog!
2. Socialization
Dogs need to learn how to socialize at a young age. There are some breeds of dogs that can get quite unruly without this. Socialization is also a great way to make friends at the dog park!
3. Training
The primary method to curb lousy behavior is training. Various forms of obedience training can help the dog and the pet parent. Professional dog trainers or academies can help you train your dog to be well-behaved.
4. Address anxiety
Nobody likes clingy behavior. This behavior can be detrimental for the dog and the pet parent (especially if you leave them alone for a couple of hours). Many dog breeds hate being on their own and can develop separation anxiety. However, there’s no need to worry as it’s quite common and can be treated by gradual desensitization or counterconditioning to this behavior.
5. Set boundaries
Getting a dog means also learning to say no. You can’t just be feeding them table scraps or allow them to indulge in destructive behaviors. On the contrary, what you need to do is lay down some basic ground rules that your pet can adhere to.
6. Be patient
Patience is the foremost virtue you need if you’re a pet parent. Bonding with dogs and puppies takes a lot of time and patience. Hence, scolding or punishing them can often have negative effects. Instead, allow them to take their time and train them with love and patience.
7. Provide mental stimulation
Dogs are energetic animals, who require a lot of stimultaion. And that does not mean just physical exercises, but also training their mind with mental games like puzzles, toys, training, or even teaching them new tricks! Anything as long as they don’t get bored.
8. Redirect behavior
Sometimes, idle or bored dogs may give in to their destructive habits if not trained properly. Additionally, if they cannot release their excess energy, they may start chewing or gnawing at shoes, furniture, or even clothes. To tackle this, you can get them toys or puzzles, to channel their energy elsewhere.
9. Regular check-ups
It’s a given that pets need regular check-ups. You shouldn’t go to the vet just when they fall sick, but prior to that as well, to ensure that they’re in their best shape. After all, prevention is better than cure, isn’t it?
10. Positive reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is an essential part of dog training. Not only does it help introduce good behaviors, but also to avoid negative ones. Besides, appreciation and patience ensures that your dog feels valued and respected during the course of the training, leading to a happier dog.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dogs can often display various behaviors. As social and playful animals, these behaviours can range from chewing, barking, digging, to even marking territories. A lot of behaviors can be unwanted and require training to resolve.
5 abnormal behaviors of dogs can be excessive vocalization, altered posture, restlessness, aggressive behavior or inappropriate elimination. These behaviors can be modified with professional help and training.
Friendly dog behaviors to look out for include tail wagging, playful nudging, licking, and play-bow. However, dogs can sometimes get way too excited and that may be a problem.
Puppies are energetic and may require dog owners to be patient with them. Mouthing or nipping, vocalization, sniffing or tail wagging, all signal playful puppy behavior.
Excessive barking, chewing, aggressive behavior, unwanted elimination, or chewing are often seen as difficult dog behaviors. However, with professional training and patience, these behaviors can be curbed.
9 Responses
Read this and I can safely say a lot of these points are true. Had to learn it the hard way hahaha. New pet parent and all 😂
My dog Teddy gets some serious anxiety when I leave for work so I totally understand this. Good read
nice and informative
Earlier I thought differently, thanks for the info!
cool cool
I would suggest more pictures cuz this site is so cool
love these points
quite helpful and the points are easy to understand 👍🏼
My dog really loves chasing small animals around. Took us a while to really train him phew!