You’ve just come home from work, and your dog’s all excited! They give you sloppy kisses, and you look on curiously. What could get them so excited? Dog walking, of course!
Sounds familiar?
We’re sure this is a frequent occurrence. All day your dog’s patiently waiting for you so you can take them out for a walk. And in the process, get some fresh air yourself.
So what’s all the fuss about dog walking?
Importance of Dog Walking
The easiest way to excite your dog is when you mention the dog park or a walk. And why’s that?
It’s because dogs LOOVE playtime, running, walking, etc. Anything where they can get a workout from. Walking is one of the best ways to exercise your dog, train them, and create a special bond between the two of you.
PLUS, you’d be in great shape, too (study)! So it’s a win-win for dogs and dog owners!
On average, 30-40 minutes of daily walking and exercise are recommended by vets for optimal dog health. Walks mentally stimulate dogs while avoiding health issues like obesity, lethargy, heart disease, etc.
Some factors you should consider before going on a walk are:
1. Age
Maybe you have a young puppy on your hands, an adult dog, or even a senior dog. The amount of exercises each of them requires would vary.
While puppies have a lot of energy, it can often be chaotic when you’re trying to do your chores. Hence, walks can quickly tire out puppies, making it a well-spent day. Adult dogs can exercise for up to 40 minutes, while seniors walk less. Due to reduced metabolism, underlying health conditions, or reduced energy levels, you should consult a vet before taking senior dogs on extended walks.
2. Breed
Unsurprisingly, dog breeds have varying levels of exercise needs. Comparing a Shih Tzu’s exercises to a Great Dane is crazy.
Small dog breeds have short or tiny legs and cannot walk for more extended periods. Despite having boundless energy, their little strides usually find it challenging to keep up.
Medium dog breeds belong to an active group with Collies, Retrievers, Poodles, etc., and they love playing. Most of these, like Huskies or Retrievers, can have higher exercise needs than other breeds. On the other hand, large dog breeds can comfortably exercise for 30 minutes.
Exercising active or larger breeds is essential; else, they may gain weight and become lethargic.
3. Tolerance
One thing you should avoid with dogs is forcing them to do something they don’t want.
Exercising for 30 minutes is recommended by vets for physical and mental stimulation. At the same time, if your dog has low exercise tolerance and can walk 30 minutes daily, you should be proud of them.
Forcing them to exercise more would harm them and affect their health. Alternatively, if your dog’s in great physical shape, they can even hike up to 2-3 hours without breaking a sweat!
How to Walk a Dog
Walking a dog seems easy, but it can get complicated if you need to know your way around it. You don’t want to get dragged after your dog or have them be stubborn right in the middle of a walk, right?
Picture this. You’re walking with your dog, and they stop walking, refusing to move entirely.
What should you do? Do you wait for them, cooperate, or pull on the leash? Is that recommended behavior?
Whether you’re inexperienced with dog walking, or even a seasoned pro, there are some dog walking tips you should always remember before you walk your dog.
Knowing what to carry and getting your dog to behave on a walk are crucial parts of dog walking. Once you have that down pat, you’re good to go!
Benefits of Walking
Dog walking can do wonders for both you and your dog!
When you expose both you and your dog to a healthy interactive environment, dog walking has been linked to lower BMI, healthy cardiovascular functioning (study), and increased activity levels in humans, especially older adults (1,2). Furthermore, it affects dog training and behavior as well.
Dogs with unutilized energy tend to become aggressive and can even lose interest in any activity. When dogs maintain healthy body weight, the lean and fit build increases energy levels and keeps them calm. Even the least aggressive breeds can become lethargic, lash out or lose their temper if not exercised for 30 minutes daily.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dog walking has many benefits, which include both the physical and mental. It helps dogs and their owners maintain a lean and fit physique, while curbing health conditions such as heart diseases, lethargy, obesity, among others.
A dog can easily walk for 30 minutes or up to a few blocks, depending on their age, breed, or exercise tolerance levels. If it is an active breed, they can walk or exercise for upwards of an hour or more.
Yes, it is okay to walk your dog everyday. In fact, it has been recommended by vets that dogs need to be exercised for 30 minutes daily for better physical and mental stimulation.
Yes! It is recommended that dogs need to be walked at least once a day, for around 30 minutes. Without daily exercising, dogs can become lethargic and obese.
Dog walking can be described as an activity of taking a dog outdoors for walking, helping to improve their physical and mental stimulation. It’s crucial in building strong relationships between dogs and their owners, as well as improving health conditions.
2 Responses
That’s true! Although I have a senior dog, we still manage to walk for a few mins a day. She’s so happy on our daily walks. Can vouch that walking is so beneficial for our babies ❤️
Strolling through life with my furry sidekick y’all. Dog walking is truly a workout!